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  • 地点 创新牙科诊所
  • 3 利姆哈伯
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  • E14 9LS

Why Choose a Dentist For Your Facial Aesthetics Treatment?  

25th August 2022

You may have noticed that an increasing number of dental practices have started to offer facial aesthetics treatments. Examples of such treatments include dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, both of which we offer here at Innovadent in Canary Wharf.

But is it worth having these types of treatments performed by a dentist? In short, absolutely. Here’s why.

Be safe in the hands of a high-tier medical professional  

It’s easy to forget that facial aesthetics treatments are medical procedures, even if they’re not surgical. Unfortunately, social media has given rise to misinformation that treatments like fillers and anti-wrinkle injections can be safely administered by individuals without medical training.

If you’re looking for the best possible treatment outcome and you don’t wish to experience any post-treatment complications, choose a high-tier medical professional like a dentist or a doctor for facial aesthetics treatment.


In addition to having the skill and know-how to perform skin-enhancing treatments, dentists possess excellent dexterity, required for processes such as administering anaesthetics during dental treatment. During their 5-year-long training, dentists are taught to cultivate a keen eye for artistry, which is necessary for planning and placing restorations like crowns and veneers.

When you consider this combined knowledge of science and artistry with clinical agility, it’s no wonder more people are flocking to dental practices for injectable aesthetics treatment.


Dentists understand your facial anatomy

As dentists, we’ve looked at many a smile and many a face during our careers. Part of planning restorative and cosmetic dental treatments is studying how your facial features are balanced and which characteristics make you, look like you.

This same skill set is central to performing skin rejuvenation treatments, where planning is key. Facial aesthetics treatment should never be rushed, as it’s the careful examination of your profile and your skin that allows us to deliver an authentic-looking result.


Dental practices are strictly regulated by the GDC

As a dental practice, we are subject to the standards set by the General Dental Council. These rigorous standards mean that dental practices must meet the hygiene standards the GDC expects so that patients are safe at all times.

Choosing to have facial aesthetics treatment in a clinical setting like a dental practice is the best way to ensure there are no complications such as the risk of infection. Unfortunately, there are still individuals across the U.K carrying out medical aesthetics treatment in non-clinical environments, putting patients in potentially serious danger.

If you’re unsure whether or not a particular establishment is legally and safely carrying out facial aesthetics treatment, please get in touch with us at Innovadent. We’ll be able to tell you if that particular business or individual is operating legally.


Committed to aftercare  

Like with all the treatment we offer here at Innovadent, the journey isn’t over once you leave the practice. Should you need to contact us for any aftercare questions or concerns, we will be here to pick up the phone and help.

It’s really important to us that patients feel they can get in touch with any question, no matter how small: there’s no such thing as a trivial question when it comes to something as important as your dental health or the wellbeing of your skin.


Dermal fillers in Canary Wharf

Dermal fillers are actually one of the most natural ways to restore volume and lost elasticity to your skin. The process involves injecting hyaluronic acid back into the top layer of your skin, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are the building blocks for youthful, healthy-looking skin.

Hyaluronic acid production reduces as we get older – it’s usually around the age of 30 that this begins to occur. The dermal fillers process simply involves temporarily restocking your skin’s supply of hyaluronic acid. Over the 3-6 month period that the filler has an effect, it is organically broken down by the body.

It’s also possible to re-contour and shape specific facial features with fillers; take a look at one of our before and after photographs here, picturing a patient who opted for nose reshaping with filler injections.

Read more about dermal fillers in Canary Wharf here.


Anti-wrinkle injections in Canary Wharf

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used both restoratively and preventively to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and stop new wrinkles from forming, respectively. If you’re not keen on the idea of going under the knife to improve the condition of your skin, anti-wrinkle injections are a less invasive alternative that enhance your skin, as opposed to permanently altering your skin’s integral characteristics.

Here are a few before and after photographs of happy patients who have benefitted from wrinkle correction treatment with us at Innovadent.

Read more about anti-wrinkle injections in Canary Wharf here.


With the above information in mind, the question you may now be asking is, “Why wouldn’t I choose a dentist to enhance and improve the quality of my skin?!”


Contact us here in Canary Wharf for facial aesthetics treatment

We understand that our patients are discerning individuals who expect facial aesthetics treatment that’s grounded in medicine. Rest assured, we will only ever have medical professionals performing this treatment at our dental practice in Canary Wharf.

Contact our friendly reception team, who you can reach 6 days a week. Alternatively, please see the chat box on the right-hand side of this page; simply type in your query and a member of the team will respond to you as soon as they can.  
































Skin Treatments


  • 地点 创新牙科诊所
  • 3 利姆哈伯
  • 伦敦
  • E14 9LS