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  • 地点 创新牙科诊所
  • 3 利姆哈伯
  • 伦敦
  • E14 9LS



Despite signs that the pandemic is largely behind us here in U.K, there’s something that continues to prevail: the public’s use of video calling platform, Zoom.

With so many people now working permanently and remotely from home, it’s no wonder Zoom has remained an absolute necessity of 2022. But watching yourself on camera for multiple hours a day can sometimes feel like an ordeal, especially if you don’t like your teeth.

Today we’re talking specifically about tooth discolouration, and why teeth whitening can help you to feel more confident when you’re making those personal and professional Zoom calls.

We’ll also be taking a look at why we’re your go-to dental practice in Canary Wharf when you come to search for a ‘dentist near me’ in Google.

You deserve to feel confident about your smile when you’re in those professional and personal Zoom calls.

Why do teeth lose their sparkle?

Teeth whitening is one of the most straightforward ways to drastically improve the appearance of dull-looking set of teeth. But how do teeth become discoloured in the first place? Here are a few of the culprits:

  • Red wine.
  • Tea and coffee.
  • Turmeric.
  • Failing to brush correctly and for the recommended 2 minutes per session.
  • Failing to remove bits of food stuck in between teeth. This leads to yellowing in between teeth
  • Smoking.

Are your discoloured teeth giving you Zoom fear?

If you’ve caught yourself on camera whilst on Zoom and you don’t like the shade of your teeth, teeth whitening is a really straightforward means of reversing this.

Feeling like you’re having to cover up your teeth as you talk, on Zoom and in face-to-face social situations, could be affecting your self-image and even your concentration levels.

Nobody deserves to be constantly distracted by the thought of a set of teeth they don’t like the look of. What’s more, nobody should feel like their self-confidence is compromised because of a discoloured smile.

It’s always great to hear from patients when they tell us that showing their teeth on video calls has become second nature after teeth whitening treatment.

How does teeth whitening work?

The carbamide and peroxide gels used as part of teeth whitening treatment work by breaking down into oxygen free radicals. These free radicals then penetrate the teeth and oxidise chains of pigment molecules. Once these have been broken down, stains begin to fade and you’re left with beautifully white teeth.

What type of teeth whitening treatments are offered at Innovadent Dental Clinic?

We offer teeth whitening treatment from 2 leading brands, Phillips and Boutique Whitening.

Phillips Zoom

We know our patients all have different needs and preferences. That’s why we offer 3 types of Phillips Zoom teeth whitening treatment, allowing you to choose whether you prefer in-chair teeth whitening or a take-home option.

Whilst it might have the word ‘Zoom’ in the title, Phillips Zoom Teeth Whitening actually has nothing to do with the video calling giant!

When you see the quick results that this treatment can yield, you’ll understand just why it’s been called ‘Zoom’. When opting for in-chair whitening, after a single 45-minute session your teeth can become up to 7 times whiter.

The 3 Phillips Zoom options available are:


NiteWhite is a great option for patients who don’t mind a longer wear time, or who would prefer to whiten their teeth when they’re asleep.

You will need to wear your whitening trays for 4 hours a night to see optimum results within 2 weeks. Of the 3 Zoom whitening treatment, NiteWhite produces the most transformative results.

Day White

If you prefer to whiten your teeth during the day, then Phillips Zoom Day White is suitable for you (the clue is in the name!)


For fast results, choose WhiteSpeed, our in-chair Zoom whitening treatment. Whilst the results aren’t quite as transformative as at-home treatment options, if you’re in a hurry to whiten your smile, it’s the ideal treatment for you.

So, if you’ve got a special summer event coming up around the corner like a wedding or a festival and you’re in a rush to whiten your teeth, this is the option for you.

You will need to whiten your teeth with top up whitening trays from home if you’re looking to maintain the results in the long term.

Boutique Teeth Whitening

Like Phillips Zoom, Boutique Teeth Whitening is a well-known brand. Boutique Teeth Whitening is solely a take-home treatment and produces excellent long-term results (as long as you look after your teeth afterwards!)

Once your treatment is complete, you’ll still have your whitening trays, so that you can top up the results. By taking good care of your teeth and limiting the amount of tooth staining food and drink you consume, your teeth have the potential to stay white for a couple of years.

Boutique Day Whitening

Choose day whitening if you prefer to whiten your smile during the day. Simply pop your whitening trays in with the gel applied for 4 hours a day. 

Boutique Night Whitening

Boutique also gives you the option of wearing your whitening trays at night. As your whitening trays are made for your smile and its exact anatomy, you’ll find them really easy to get used to.

When you come in for your teeth whitening consultation, we can talk you through the finer details of each treatment, to help you make a decision about which brand and formula would suit you.

Why is it so important to have my teeth whitened professionally?

Not only does professional teeth whitening produce the best results, but it also guarantees that your teeth and gums will be safe from harm.

Unfortunately, there are still many unqualified individuals offering teeth whitening here in the U.K.

So, if you’re searching for ‘teeth whitening near me’ in Google, make sure you always choose a reputable dentist to perform your treatment. Our dentists have performed and overseen teeth whitening treatment hundreds of times, so we know exactly how to carry it out safely, and how to ensure the best results are achieved.


Don’t put up with yellow teeth! Contact us here at Innovadent Dental Clinic if you’re looking for professional teeth whitening, performed by a dentist in Canary Wharf.
































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  • 地点 创新牙科诊所
  • 3 利姆哈伯
  • 伦敦
  • E14 9LS