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  • местоположение Стоматологическая клиника "Инновадент
  • 3 Лаймхарбор
  • Лондон
  • E14 9LS
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Welcome to Innovadent Dental Clinic – Your Home for Comprehensive Orthodontic Care

At Innovadent, we understand that a perfect smile is about more than just aesthetics – it’s about health, self-confidence, and joy. To help you and your family achieve those radiant smiles, we proudly introduce Dr Amir Moradi, our new in-house specialist orthodontist.

Dr Moradi Specialises in braces for children and teens and brings expertise, compassion, and a gentle touch to each patient encounter.

Treatment can begin within a couple of weeks, allowing you to skip the lengthy NHS waiting times, which can be up to 2 years!

Usually, 9-12 is the best age to get started with treatment but if you are not sure, just give us a call and we can help.

A Solution for Every Smile

Understanding that each mouth is as unique as the person it belongs to, we offer a variety of braces options to suit different needs and lifestyles. Our range includes:

  • Metal Braces: The traditional choice that has stood the test of time. These durable braces are reliable and effective for treating a wide variety of dental misalignment issues. Prices start from £3500.
  • Clear Braces: With the same structure as metal braces but made from transparent materials, clear braces offer a less noticeable alternative. These are popular with both children and adults. Fees begin at £3950.
  • Lingual Braces (Incognito): Lingual braces are attached to the backside of the teeth, making them virtually invisible. Prices start from £7000.
  • Clear Aligners (Invisalign): A revolutionary approach to straightening teeth. Clear, removable, and custom-designed for each patient, Invisalign provides near-invisibility during treatment. Fees begin at £3950.

Who Can Benefit From Braces?

Braces are most commonly recommended for children and teenagers, as their jaws are still growing, making the teeth easier to manipulate. However, it’s never too late to invest in a straighter smile. Adults with misaligned teeth or who have experienced shifts in their dental alignment can also greatly benefit from orthodontic treatment.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Moradi will assess the condition of your teeth, discuss your goals, and recommend the best treatment option for your individual needs.

Free orthodontist consultations

For a limited time only, if you are looking to know more about braces, we are offering free consultations with Dr Moradi.

Come join us at Innovadent Dental Clinic, where we believe in creating beautiful smiles that last a lifetime. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr Moradi, contact us at 020 3154 7133.

Transform your smile, boost your confidence, and start your journey to better oral health with us today. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to Innovadent Dental Clinic.

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Связаться с нами Или 020 3154 7133
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  • местоположение Стоматологическая клиника "Инновадент
  • 3 Лаймхарбор
  • Лондон
  • E14 9LS
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