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Wrinkles and lines are a normal part of getting older, but they don’t have to define your facial aesthetic.

With Botox Wrinkle Correction, we can slow the gradual signs of ageing brought about by static wrinkles and fine lines.

What is Botox wrinkle correction treatment?

Wrinkle correction is an anti-ageing treatment that freezes the signals that occur between the muscle and the nerves. The temporary interruption to these signals prevents wrinkles and relaxes wrinkles that are already present across the face.

The ideal candidate for Botox Wrinkle Correction:

  • Does not have deep lines and wrinkles.
  • Non-smokers.
  • Uses SPF daily.
  • Moisturises daily.

These factors will ensure you get the best out of treatment. To see the maximum benefits from Botox Wrinkle Correction we recommend starting treatment when you see your first static wrinkles appear. This is generally towards your early thirties when collagen supplies start to reduce rapidly, giving way to static wrinkle and fine lines.

The steps to getting anti-wrinkle correction

Assessment: we will ask you a few questions about your medical history to make sure you’re a suitable patient for Botox treatment.

Planning: careful planning is key to great facial aesthetics treatment. Your aesthetician here at InnovaDent Dental Clinic will study your skin to identify the static wrinkles present. They will also ask you about your lifestyle, such as whether you wear sun protection daily or smoke (the two biggest culprits of wrinkles!)

Treatment: an anaesthetic cream is applied to numb your skin, so you shouldn’t experience any discomfort. The wrinkle correction muscle relaxant is administered with a fine needle.

How will Wrinkle Correction benefit me?

  • Отсутствие восстановительного периода после лечения.
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Наслаждайтесь молодостью кожи.
  • Занимает всего 20 минут.
  • Promotes graceful ageing.

Which wrinkles can be targeted with Botox Wrinkle Correction injections?

  • Frown lines.
  • Vertical and horizontal forehead wrinkles.
  • Crow’s feet on either side of the eyes.
  • Bunny lines on the nose.
  • Lip lines.
  • Marionette lines (mouth-to-chin lines).
  • Vertical neck lines (platysmal bands).

Botox Canary Wharf – Contact InnovaDent for a no-obligation consultation

Our dentist-performed injectable skincare treatments are ideal as an introductory solution to anti-ageing but can also provide a long-term solution, if regular treatments are undergone. We recommend top-up treatment every 4 months to maintain the results.

Contact our friendly and helpful reception team to book your consultation with a dentist for Botox Wrinkle Correction.

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  • местоположение Стоматологическая клиника "Инновадент
  • 3 Лаймхарбор
  • Лондон
  • E14 9LS
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