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Преимущества виниров

16 ноября 2022 года

What if there was a way to simply overlay any flaws with your teeth with a beautiful new tooth that was unique to you? That’s precisely what the dental veneers process entails. It’s for this reason that teeth veneers often draw comparisons with nail veneers, AKA false acrylic nails, which are placed over your real nails to achieve a more pleasing appearance. Veneers are essentially tooth-colored shells that fit over the surface of front teeth.

But what makes veneers stand out as a way of hiding the things you really don’t like about your teeth? In this blog we’ll cover:

  • Where veneers first originated
  • What you can expect from the process
  • How they can treat your whole smile
  • Why they’re a great choice for treating both single and multiple teeth
Retired old man face mouth direct fingers white shiny teeth wear pink t-shirt isolated violet coloUr background

Veneers and the star-studded world of Hollywood

Veneers had glamorous beginnings. They were first used as a short-term solution in the 1940s for covering the smiles of Hollywood stars who had less than screen-friendly teeth. Back then, the adhesive used to secure them to each tooth wasn’t the robust adhesive used today, so they could only last a few hours or so.

It’s a different story now. Veneers can remain healthy for over a decade, as the dental cement used is strong and ensure the proper placement is successfully achieved.

What are the benefits of Veneers?

Restore Your Smile

Even the smallest of cosmetic flaws with your teeth can give your confidence a knock, even if they’re not noticeable to other people or in photos. If you know, they’re there, that can be enough to provoke feelings of self-consciousness.

Once a veneer has been designed and fitted as part of your smile, you’ll notice your confidence improve right away – whether it’s when you’re posing for photos, meeting a prospective employer, going on a date, or simply looking in the mirror.

Veneers are as unique as you are

Veneers are completely custom-made, so they’re for your smile only.

Here at Innovadent, we plan all cases using digital technology that can simulate the final appearance of your teeth once the veneer has been placed. This gives us an excellent insight into how to match your veneer (or veneers) to the anatomy of your mouth and smile in terms of shape and size.

dental veneers

Veneers can be used to close small gaps in your teeth too!

Veneers are made to last

The composition and strength of the porcelain we use to make your veneers are extremely resistant to fractures, temperature changes and wear. Your porcelain veneer will be able to withstand the biting forces your mouth needs to chew your food. Remember, though, don’t bite on any foreign objects with your teeth: porcelain veneers are not indestructible!


There are a whole range of cosmetic flaws that can be covered up with veneers, ranging from natural tooth enamel loss, fractures, cracks, chips and stains. You might ask, ‘but don’t crowns do this too?.’ Yes, you’re absolutely right. However, crowns are the more restorative counterpart, used when damage has affected the function and fundamental health of a tooth.

Porcelain veneers are less invasive than crowns, generally requiring less tooth structure to be removed before they can be placed. Unfortunately, there has been a growing trend of people travelling abroad for smile transformations, only to find that they’ve had crowns placed instead of dental veneers. We strongly recommend having your porcelain veneers made and fitted here in the U.K  to ensure you undergo conservative treatment to give you the perfect smile.

Example dental veeners

Porcelain veneers fit over the top of your natural teeth, a little like a false nail, giving you a more beautiful smile makeover. They can also protect weakened teeth and dark teeth from sustaining further cracks and staining.

It’s easy to care for dental veneers

Once placed, dental veneers are a very low-maintenance restoration. The good news is they don’t require any special care and are resistant to stains. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look after them (sipping red wine every day will undoubtedly cause them to stain quite early on!). Make sure you’re also coming in for routine appointments to have your teeth checked over, as the natural tooth structure under which the veneer is placed is vulnerable to cavities and infections.

Boosting your self-esteem

There are so many ways in which your smile can affect your mood, happiness and self-esteem.

Does the sight of a camera or seeing yourself on the Zoom call screen make you nervous? Or maybe you’ve been endlessly covering your mouth for fear of people noticing your teeth for the wrong reasons. The long and short of it is you shouldn’t have to accommodate a smile you don’t like.

Once you’ve had your porcelain veneers fitted, these anxieties will quickly disappear. You’ll be able to show your smile off to the world without the voice inside your head saying ‘I really don’t like my teeth!’

How to choose the right dentist for your treatment

Something as important as dental treatment needs to be well-researched, and if you can get a no-obligation appointment with a treatment coordinator, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to ask questions before you commit.

Here at Innovadent, we will never rush you, and we will provide you with a fully itemised treatment plan to review before you commit to any treatment with us.

We can also shed some light on the advantages of having porcelain veneers here in the U.K rather than abroad.

Learn more about the porcelain veneers process, cosmetic dentistry and our ethos by giving our lovely reception team a call (or feel free to DM us via Instagram or Facebook if you prefer!) We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Dental veneers are suitable for fixing one tooth or a few teeth, giving each tooth’s front surface a more pleasing aesthetic. We can’t wait to give you back your confidence.

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  • местоположение Стоматологическая клиника "Инновадент
  • 3 Лаймхарбор
  • Лондон
  • E14 9LS
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