It’s never been more important for everyone on the planet to do their bit to keep it healthy. This includes those in the healthcare sector, like us dentists. Here at our dentist in Canary Wharf, we’ve been thinking about what we can do to be greener, and we are committed to persevering with this wherever we can.
Here are some of the things we’ve been doing at our dental practice in Canary Wharf to become kinder to the planet.
A Switch To Digital Software
In switching to digital software, we’ve significantly reduced our paper consumption. This switch makes processes like impression taking and implant case planning much simpler and more straightforward.
Converting to digital X-rays has allowed us to reduce our radiation levels and lower our dental chemical waste output. Digital X-rays are 90% less damaging to the environment than conventional X-rays. It’s estimated that if every dental surgery around the world converted to digital X-rays, the disposal of 200 litres of toxic dental X-ray fixer would be prevented.
Amalgam-free Clinic
Amalgam used to be routinely used for fillings all over the world. However, in recent years many dental practices have switched to other materials, such as composite resin. We are one such dental practice.
Amalgam contains mercury, which ends up in sewage networks where it can transition into methyl mercury, a potentially harmful substance for humans. Fish and shellfish that have consumed methyl mercury are not fit for human consumption, but this risk still stands with the disposal of mercury still prevalent.
Our composite resin “white” fillings not only look much more discreet, but they are also safe for you to have placed and durable with the correct care.
Dedicated Decontamination Room
We’re thrilled to have a dedicated decontamination room, where we sterilise equipment, with a view to re-using it. This eliminates the need to dispose of it, reducing over waste.
Recycling Wherever Possible
We believe it’s the bare minimum for dental practices to be recycling wherever they can. We recycle all domestic waste, computer parts and electronics.
Lightbulb Moment
We’ve chosen to use dental chair lights that use energy-efficient LED bulbs. As a team, we’re all alert to making sure lights are turned off when they’re not being used.
Car Sharing
We all know that driving is one of the worst things for the planet. Our team at Innovadent makes their way to Canary Wharf from all different parts of London, but they regularly car share. Short car journeys are particularly damaging to the planet, as the engine doesn’t get a chance to warm up yet; therefore, it’ll be running inefficiently, burning more fuel and increasing pollution levels.
Our team members who live near our Canary Wharf location enjoy walking and cycling to work, so we have built a bike storage area to accommodate this.
Researching and Reviewing
Before we commit to purchasing products and equipment for the practice, we take a close look at where these come from and what’s been used to make them. Wherever possible, we buy British-made products and equipment and we research whether such things have been manufactured ethically.
As the sustainability and eco landscape is constantly shifting, we’re continuously researching to see if better options have arisen so that we can swap out old equipment for greener alternatives.
The greenest thing you can do as a patient is to maintain excellent oral health. This will minimise the need to come and see us. If you’re someone who visits us by public transport or drives to the dentist, reducing visits will also reduce your carbon emissions too.
We also encourage patients to opt for eco-friendly toothpastes, such as Parla, which was founded by three award-winning dentists from London. Plastic-free packaging and cruelty-free Parla toothpaste is a great choice if you’re looking to make your dental routine greener. We have the Parla recycling box here at our Canary Wharf-based dentist, so please feel free to let us know if you would like to recycle yours here.
If you’re yet to switch to an electric toothbrush, this is also something you can do to help the environment. Not only does this mean you won’t have to buy disposable plastic manual toothbrushes, but you’ll also be using a more efficient brush.
Electric toothbrushes have an oscillating head, which does all the hard brushing work for you, moving side by side to remove bacteria. In letting the electric toothbrush take the reins when it comes to the physical brushing of your teeth, you’ll also reduce the risk of brushing too hard, which can lead to gum recession and gum disease.
If you need advice on how to brush correctly so that you can reduce the risk of needing to come in for a filling or gum disease treatment, come in and see us for advice. During your appointment, we’ll be able to show you where you might be going wrong and how to improve your brushing technique.
There are many factors to consider when choosing the right dental practice for you. We believe a dental practice’s record on how they care for the planet should be one of them.
Not only are we a team of exceptionally talented and experienced dentists, we believe in being sustainable with our processes and resources.
Why not follow us on social media to keep an eye on the goings-on at Innovadent. As well as testimonials, before and after photos and blogs, you’ll be able to see evidence of the kind of things we’re doing to be greener. Give us a like on Facebook here and a follow on Instagram there. You can also find us on LinkedIn.
Contact us in Canary Wharf today to book your appointment. We look forward to seeing you.
ব্লগে ফিরে যান"রিসেপশনে বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ এবং অ্যাক্সেসযোগ্য কর্মীদের সাথে খুব ভাল গ্রাহক পরিষেবা। পেশাদার ডেন্টিস্টদের সাথে লন্ডনের সেরা ডেন্টাল ক্লিনিক, আপনাকে সম্পূর্ণ পরীক্ষা দেয় এবং ..."
"চমৎকার অনুশীলন। ইরিনা তার কাজের ক্ষেত্রে ব্যক্তিত্বপূর্ণ, যত্নশীল এবং দুর্দান্ত। রিসেপশন টিমও সবসময় স্বাগত জানায়। অত্যন্ত সুপারিশ!"
"দুর্দান্ত কর্মী এবং আশ্চর্যজনক পরিষেবা তারা তাদের গ্রাহকদের জন্য সরবরাহ করে। ডঃ জাফরির সাথে আমার প্রথম সাক্ষাৎ একটি দুর্দান্ত অভিজ্ঞতা ছিল। তিনি তৎক্ষণাৎ তোমাকে এখানে নিয়ে যান..."।
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