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The Risks of Ignoring Dental Fillings: A Guide from Innovadent Dental Clinic

30th November 2023

Today, we’re talking about something many of us might not think about much: dental fillings. They’re more important than you might realize, and here’s why.

Not Just Pain: The Hidden Story of Cavities

Many people think you only need a filling when you have a toothache. But the truth is that cavities often start without any pain. That’s why they can be sneaky – you don’t feel them, but they’re there, and they’re growing. Most decay happens in between your teeth under the enamel surface so you can’t tell it is there.

Small Now, Bigger Later: The Growth of Cavities

A tiny, pain-free cavity won’t stay small. It’s like a snowball rolling downhill, getting bigger and bigger. Once the decay breaks through the tooth’s outer layer (the enamel), it doesn’t stop. It keeps going, and the longer you wait, the worse it gets.

The Domino Effect: From Simple Fillings to Big Treatments

Delaying a filling isn’t just about more pain later. It’s also about more complicated and expensive treatments. Think of it this way: A small filling is a quick fix, but if you wait too long, you might need a root canal, a crown, or even have to say goodbye to your tooth (and we don’t want that!).

Cost Worries? We’ve Got Your Back

We get it. Dental treatments can hit the wallet hard. But don’t let that stop you from getting the care you need. At Innovadent, we offer finance plans and are always open to discussing options. We’re here to help make sure you can afford your smile.

Your Questions Matter to Us

If you’re unsure about anything or just want to chat about your teeth, give us a shout. Our doors (and ears) are always open for you.

Takeaway: Don’t Wait, Act Now

If you suspect you have a cavity, come and see us. It’s better to tackle it early when it’s small and manageable. Your teeth (and your future self) will thank you!

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  • مكان عيادة إنوفادينت لطب الأسنان
  • 3 لايمهاربور
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  • E14 9LS
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