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  • مكان عيادة إنوفادينت لطب الأسنان
  • 3 لايمهاربور
  • لندن
  • E14 9LS
جوجل التقييم
جوجل التقييم
عيادة الأسنان المبتكرة رمز1

هنا في InnovaDent ،

نحن نسعى جاهدين لتوفير الرعاية لمرضانا التي ليست مهنية فحسب ، بل تجعل حتى أكثر المرضى توترا يشعرون بالراحة عند زيارة طبيب الأسنان.

إقرأ المزيد
BG1 الداخلية

Teeth Whitening offer

Our new, lifetime whitening package for £395 in Caanry Wharf

We’ve created a package that leaves no stone unturned to get you your dazzling white smile.

For a limited time, we are offering our complete whitening package for only £395, saving you over £120 and even more if you include our top-ups.

This offer includes:

  • Dental screening and 3D scans
  • Cleaning of plaque and calculus build-up
  • Stain removal
  • Airflow polishing
  • 3 weeks’ worth of home whitening gels and 1 set of whitening trays
  • Before and after pictures
  • Free lifetime top-ups if you maintain your hygienist appointments

To book this unique whitening offer with our expert hygienists, call our reception at 020 3154 7133 or book online directly. We will happily answer any questions about the treatment.

Don’t wait too long to take advantage of this special offer, which will expire on September 1st 2023.

Our clinic is a 13 minute walk from Canary Wharf Underground station (Jubilee line) and 3 minutes from Crossharbour (DLR)

We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you achieve a brighter and more confident smile.

How our whitening package works

Our hygienists provide the offer under the supervision of our dentist and clinical director, Dr Zaeem Jafri.

You can upgrade the package to include a session in in-chair whitening for an additional £200.

Appointment 1 (60 mins)

  • Dental screening to see if you are suitable for whitening
  • Cleaning, stain removal and polish
  • 3D scans to make whitening trays
  • Before picture

Appointment 2 (1 week later)

Appointment 3 (3 weeks later) (15 mins)

Free lifetime top-ups

To maintain the colour of your teeth, we recommend carrying out top-up treatments every 6 months (for 3/4 days) using your existing whitening trays. A top-up syringe will last around one year and currently costs £45.

If you visit our hygienists for a routine cleaning every six months, we will provide you with a free whitening top-up syringe after each appointment (limited to 1 syringe every six months). Failure to maintain a six-monthly appointment will void the free lifetime top-up offer. Please bring your whitening trays with you to your hygienist appointments so we can make sure they are still safe to use

If you are not suitable for teeth whitening

If you are unsuitable for teeth whitening, our hygienists will explain why. This is usually if your teeth have cracks, cavities and decay. If this is the case, then we will charge £120 for your hygiene appointment and encourage you to see one of our dentists for a check-up and treatment. Once your treatment has been completed, you can resume your teeth whitening treatment at the offer price as long as this is within six months of your first appointment.

Things you need to know

  • Your treatment includes three weeks’ worth of home whitening gel at the appropriate strength. This is usually enough to reach the maximum whiteness of your teeth. If you wish to purchase additional gel, these will be £45 for 7 days’ worth.
  • The cost for new replacement whitening trays is currently £150 per tray.
  • The concentration of whitening gel given will be based on what is best for you and your teeth, as determined by our clinical team.
  • There are no guarantees with whitening treatment as everyone’s teeth will respond to treatment differently. We will take calibrated before and after pictures during your treatment to show you the difference in the colour of your teeth alongside our whitening shade guide. Cosmetics can be a subjective measure, and we will not offer refunds if you are unhappy with the outcome of the treatment.

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"واجهت مشكلة مع الأسنان المتشققة التي تم حلها بسرعة من قبل الموظفين الودودين في InnovaDent الذين حجزوا لي في المنزل"

الكسندر أوبر

يقتبس أسفل أزرق عادي
عرض جميع الشهادات

طب الأسنان العام

نضع صحة أسنانك في صميم رعايتنا.

التعرف على المزيد

طب الأسنان التجميلي

تبييض الأسنان التجميلي لإضافة بريق لحياتك.

التعرف على المزيد

زراعة الأسنان

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التعرف على المزيد

تقويم الأسنان

الرضا والثقة الإيجابية مع Invisalign®.

التعرف على المزيد

طب الأسنان المتقدم

هنا للمساعدة في جميع احتياجات صحة الفم الخاصة بك.

التعرف على المزيد

Skin Treatments

مع مجموعتنا من العلاجات التي تتحدى التقدم في السن.

التعرف على المزيد
انستغرامانستغرام فيس بوكفيس بوك لينكد إنلينكد إن TiktokTiktok
  • مكان عيادة إنوفادينت لطب الأسنان
  • 3 لايمهاربور
  • لندن
  • E14 9LS
جوجل التقييم